
POPEYE and OLIVE in 'Yes Me, Yes You!'

today is like any usual day.
sun keep shining, bright and wild.
bird is flying like an angel, and butterfly did like me.

Popeye and Olive are discussing bout what pie they should cook next. it was much argumentation actually.

Popeye prefer Cheesecake, but Olive strongly said Peacheese (Peach + Cheese). Olive wins because her rock-headed (and her nose). Popeye tells Olive that she can pick Peaches anywhere else but The Dangerous Mountain. God, but Olive is too stubborn to even obey Popeye's warning. Popeye got, 'okay whatever you do i wont care, just take care you!' situation, and he walked to light up his Sailor Cigar..

3hours passing by.... Popeye still Cigarizing.
5hours passing by.... half-calm half-f*vk off
7hours passing by.... Popeye headed to the mountain..

Popeye was right, Olive is captured by monstrous monsters (
actually i wanna use Brutus as the Antagonist, but its too expensive and i cant afford him). The rest is easy, Popeye drink his spinach-juice, and you know how it ends.

Popeye and Olive went home, more one side-argument..

Pops: "I have told ya! Too dangerous out there, for such a big girl like you."
Liv: "Why do you care! I did it for myself, so don't bother me."
Pops: "Oh my goat you're so stubborn! I'll be glad if that monsters got you.."
Liv: "So, what made you save me? Are you... worrying bout me..?"
Pops: "No, me just waiting for my Peacheese Pie.."
Liv: "AAGH!!"

somehow, the right one could be wrong if us didnt look closer.

thanks to: Nugrah P. Anwar, and Galih Dion Suryaman.