
suatu pembuktian

Manusia memang ditakdirkan berdiri sendiri.
Lahir sendiri, mencari penghidupan sendiri, bahkan mati pun sendiri.
Kita dapat berkarya sendiri, bekerja sendiri, tanpa bantuan orang lain.

Seorang teman berkata,
"Orang lain adalah sumber kesia-siaan. Kita pacaran tiap hari hrs nelfon, sms, tiap hari ngajak jalan, its such a waste.."

Should I (ditujukan kpd kita semua) need others??

Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him."

Ya, kita butuh mereka. Ada hal2 yg nggak bisa kita lakukan sendiri.
Misalnya: Kawin, Bercinta, dsb.

But all of these are meant because proper reasons, rite??
Kita bercinta untuk memuaskan nafsu, Kawin untuk memiliki keturunan.
Yes, mankind is (atau are??) selfish. Egois, semua hal adalah tentang diri mereka. Orang lain adalah bantuan, pelengkap, bukan esensi hidup.
Am I correct?


everyone need someone else to fulfill their life. cos everyone have dreams to complete. and it'd be complete if there's someone to share it with..


if there's anyone to share with,, hmm its true, for some point.

how about doing something for ourself ( only to us), do we still need others to shared??

we are different, i guess..
at least i've done things for me,so whatever the results, its me whose gonna responsibilities..

thx nan, you are such a caring person.